Sunday, September 30, 2012

Deciding on a Song

     In order for my partner and I to devolp and strong star image, we decided it would be best to choose an unknown artist and song, preferably without a music video. This means that we could be more creative and create a star image from the start, rather than building on one that is already made for the video.

Here are some of the options we considered:

The Maccabees - Toothpaste Kisses

We really liked the song and thought of some good potential stroylines, however we figured that the Maccabee's were too famous and the video is already quite complex, thereofre we didnt want to feel as if we were stealing any idea's and just copying the star image that they already have.

Mumm-ra - She's got you high

Again, we liked the song and thought it was a decent pace in order to have good editing, however they are relitively known, and the video again builds a strong star image that we didnt want to feel as if we had to re-create.

Rebekah Hesse - Close your eyes

This is actually a song written and performed by two of my friends, therefore we considered it as we would have free reign to work with it and develop entirely our own star image. We could also have the added benefit of my friend starring in the video, as she could use it as an alternative to the video that she made herself. However the pace of the song is quite slow and we struggled to come up with narrative ideas so we decided not to go with this song, as the editing will be boring and hard to show a range of shots.

Anyone Else But You - The Mouldy Peaches

Again, this song was quite slow therefore we figured it would be harder to edit. The benefit of this song is that it didn't really have a music video, therefore we considered it as we didnt have any ideas put in our head from the video that was already there, as it was mainly of the movie that it featured in. But we found it hard to come up with ideas that were interesting so we decided to continue looking

So this is the song we decided on:

Pearl and The Puppets - Because I Do

We really liked everything about this song. The artist is currently unsigned and the video is very basic, therefore it makes it easy with us to create an new idea without feeling as if we are taking from their video. The pace of the song is very quick, meaning we can include lots of fast paced editing and shots, and the lyrics are clear and easy to create a narrative on. Also the unbeat, querky, folk feel to the song allows us to create a clear star image as well, which is why we decided this as our choice of song.

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