Monday, October 1, 2012

Expanded Idea

The main narrative I would like to create my video around would be the whole idea of the artist stalking a couple, whilst singing the song. We could show that she knows them and have some scenes of her waving to them; however most of the storyline will be her watching over them as they go on dates and do things together. For example we could do lots of long shots of her being really girly and skipping and singing around to the ‘ba ba ba ba’ bits as it has a kind of young girl in love feel. I also thought we could do close up of her in a window, that zooms out so we see she is spying on them. Another idea is that you see the couple sitting on a bed, messing around and the camera tilts down and you see her hiding under the bed. For intertexuality, I though we could show that typical American high school kind of setting, like have the artist play this geeky, weird girl character that is in love with the popular guy. However the twist at the end comes from Psycho, as the audience will go the whole way through thinking she is in love with him, when really she wants to kill him. At the end we could have a series of shots of him in the bathroom, getting ready for a shower and close ups of her peeping at him through the key hole, and then she would go in and kill him, like the shower scene in Psycho. This will completely shock the audience as it’s so unexpected and I think it will make the video entertaining to them. Pearl and the Puppets traditionally is for women in their 20’s, so the video is like reminiscing their teenage years as being in love with the popular guy is something most of them would have been through, so they will find it quite comical. I would have her singing the song the whole way through to give the impression of her singing it to him, and have lots of close ups to sell the artist.

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